As we mentioned in the previous posts, we are living in the age of competition,
where companies become more focused on productivity and efficiency.
In all companies, different types of meetings are held regularly to achieve
coordination and more success. Meetings are vital and essential elements in any
work environment; employees communicate through meetings and discuss
various company issues.
There are different types of workplace meetings, for example, meetings can be
formal, informal, between managers and employees, between team members
and etc. In this article, we want to introduce you to one of these effective
meetings; 1 on 1 meetings.
About 1:1 meetings
1:1s are regular meetings between a manager and an employee, where they can
talk about different preset topics. These meetings emphasize the importance of
having conversations between managers and their employees.
Generally, in these meetings, several preset questions and topics are raised, then
the manager and the employee talk about them. 1:1 meetings build trust and help
employees feel supported.
Remember, 1:1 meetings are held between 2 people, a manager and an
employee. Having a private conversation promotes honest communication and
provides space for the employee to talk about her/his issues and concerns.
Why are 1:1 meetings so important?
You must have heard many times that employees do not leave bad companies,
they leave bad managers. This sentence clearly shows the importance of a strong
and positive relationship between manager and employee. The relationship
between a manager and their employees is an essential part of an organization’s
culture and success and 1:1 meetings help build this relationship, so we can
conclude that 1:1 meetings are important as well. 1:1 meetings are regular
conversations between a manager and an employee and what can build a strong
relationship more than having a regular and useful conversation?
6 benefits of 1:1 meetings
- 1:1s build better relationships
- 1:1s increase job satisfaction and employee engagement
- 1:1s boost employee productivity
- 1:1s build more trust
- 1:1s help to identify and address problems earlier
- 1:1s provide mutual feedback