5 powerful ways to boost employee morale
Have you ever thought about employee morale impact in a work environment? How much do you think employee morale affects organizations? These are some important questions that all businesses ...
12 tips for giving employee feedback
Giving feedback is one of the fundamental parts of organizational culture that contributes to the growth and development of the organization. It also promotes individual growth for employees and ...
A brief history of
Throughout the history of management, many leaders and managers have tried to change the management system by inventing and implementing various and efficient methods. This has led to the ...
What is 360-degree feedback?
Generally, constructive feedback in an organization improves employeeperformance and plays an important role in employees' personal development.Feedback helps employees find their strengths and weaknesses and betterunderstand the organization's expectations. ...
1:1 meetings, Importance and benefits
As we mentioned in the previous posts, we are living in the age of competition,where companies become more focused on productivity and efficiency. In all companies, different types of meetings ...